Measuring Air Temperature
The page has moved; please see below: Air Temperature: From Ancient Observations to Modern Measurement Techniques
The page has moved; please see below: Air Temperature: From Ancient Observations to Modern Measurement Techniques
How high into the sky can thunderstorms develop – what are the highest even measured thunderstorms? The strongest updrafts reach the tropopause and produce overshooting tops. The highest storms in …
The page has moved; please see below: The beauty and mistery of mammatus clouds
A back-sheared anvil is the expression for a cumulonimbus anvil that spreads against (upwind) into relatively strong winds (jet stream) aloft. Anvil vs. wind As the anvil forms, it is …
Overshooting tops develop on thunderstorms that have particularly strong updrafts. Overshooting tops typically develop on Cumulonimbus capillatus incus clouds. The updraft punches through the equilibrium level (and thus the anvil), …